Metal Strap Seals

Security Seals | Metal Strap Seals

Metal Strap Seals

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Made from galvanized steel, metal strap seals from Bednorz offer a strong alternative for sealing applications where the thin profile of the seal ensures that sealing points with narrow slots are secured. These sealing applications include truck and container locks.  These seals can be applied to TIR cable fittings, used for tankers or canvas sided trucks, or any other application where on seal is needed to secure multiple sealing points.

The Bednorz-Seal has been tested and certified as ‘I’ Indicative to ISO PAS 17712:2013 by an independent test house. The Bednorz-Seal has also been tested and approved for use by German Customs as a Zoll Plombe (Customs Seal).

A sequential number and reference mark is embossed on the Bednorz-Seal. These can be customized to customer requirements. The Bednorz-Seal is also available with laser markings, eg a bar code.

Over many years, Bednorz has supplied the Tyden Ball Seal to German Customs and major companies working to the highest security standards.

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